Monday, 25 February 2013

HL Guard Tutorial By Rudeboyz

HL Guard Tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 server

HL Guard - how to make the HL Gurad to work

This is an anti-cheat system for Half-Life, with the following components:
a. detects aimbot
b. blocs the wallhack
c. detects the alias
d. makes the cvar's more powerfull
e. bans on name (nick)
f. incorporated Steamban system - for those with steam
g. guard system against Skywalk
1. The installation is made in metamod plugins.ini, so download HL Guard rar here , unzipp it, copy it in HLDS\cstrike\addons and then edit it in metamod plugins.ini :
win32 addons/hlguard/dlls/hlguard_mm.dll. You can also use hlguard_mm_optimized.dll, but this is used for the newer systems and the server might stop working.
2. Now you have to choose between the repeated stopping scanning message and the unique one, that is, if you want the message, that the scan has been compleated, to appear after every scan, or only after the first scan. To do so, you have to acces HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config where you open using the WordPad hlguard.cfg. Here you look for the line " Alias scanning completed mesage" where you have two options: "One Time mesages" and "Repeating mesages". To activate one of them you have to erase "//" in front of them.
3. Now you have to activate the hlguard menu
To do so, first enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, then open hlg_menu.cfg using the WordPad. Look for the hlg_menupassword "" line, an enter a password between the "" (ex : hlg_menupassword"meseriasu" ). Save and close. If the server was started, restart or change th map. Now enter the game in the console hlg_menu meseriasu (without "", and meseriasu is the password from hlg_menu.cfg ). The menu will be shown on the screen.
4. Setting the agreeing declaration. First go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config\hlguard.cfg and erase the "//" in front of this line :

// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

Then enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, and open hlg_agreement using WordPad. There you will find some lines that you can change. The first is "By playing on this server , you" and so on.You do not have to translate word by word, but you have to keep the lines. The last line is the most important. There you write "1. Accept 4.Refuz ". The player who will press the 4 key, refusing the scan, will be automatically kicked out. You will see what you can do with HL Guard entering in the on screen menu using the “hlg_menu password” command in the console.


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