Monday, 25 February 2013

Admin Mod commands BY Rudeboyz

List of commands AdminMod

admin_help <number> - opens the help menu, the pass number 11, 21, 31 etc. 
name> admin_ban or WONID or ip> [<minute>] - Ban player 
admin_cancelvote - cancels vote 
admin_cfg <config file> - run configuration, config files 
admin_chat <message> - show only admin posts 
admin_csay <message> - show message center screen 
admin_denymap <map> - cancels vote for map 
admin_disco - starts the disco, if you plug fun 
admin_enableallweapons - allows buying guns if they are restricted 
admin_enableequipment - allows purchase of equipment if restricted 
admin_enablemenu <meniu #> - lift the restriction on that category 
admin_enableweapon <meniu #> <arma #> - lift the restriction on the gun that 
admin_execall <commanda> - forcing players to execute the order 
admin_execclient <target> <commanda> - forcing a player to execute the order 
admin_execteam <team> <commanda> - forcing the team to execute command 
admin_fraglimit <fraglimit> - set cvar mp_fraglimit 
admin_friendlyfire <on | Off> - set cvar mp_friendlyfire 
admin_fun <"on" | "off "> - start or stop how fun 
admin_gag <target> [<minutes>] - player can not "speak" (in chat), 0 min is always 
admin_glow <color | "off"> - starts or stops the glow mode (players shine) 
admin_godmode <target> <"on" | "off"> - starts or stops the player's godmode 
admin_gravity <gravity> - set gravity 
admin_hostname <name> - change server name 
admin_kick <target> [<reason>] - yes outside the targeted player 
admin_listmaps - shows the list of maps of mapcycle 
admin_listspawn - show list spaws 
admin_llama <target> - put the player llama: changes its name and can not speak
admin_map <map_name> - change map 
admin_messagemode <command> - treat 'say' as a command 
<X> admin_movespawn <identity> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle> - move a spawn 
admin_nextmap - show map Next 
admin_noclip <target> <"on" | "off"> - make player to walk through walls 
admin_nomessagemode - treat 'say' as 'say' not as a command 
admin_nopass - remove server password 
admin_pass <password> - put the password server 
admin_pause - pause the game 
admin_psay <target> <msg> - send message to player's 
admin_rcon <cmd> - execute rcon commands 
admin_reload - reload files Adminmod 
admin_removespawn <identity> - removes a spawn 
admin_restrictallweapons - restricts all weapons 
admin_restrictequipment - restricts all equipment (shield , grenades, etc.) 
<menu admin_restrictmenu #> - restricting the respective menu 
admin_restrictweapon <menu #> <weapon #> - restictioneaza weapon menu specified 
admin_say <msg> - send message to all players in the admin 
admin_servercfg <config file> - set configure the server the default 
admin_slap <target> - player hits 
admin_slay <target> - kills player 
admin_slayteam <team> - kill entire team 
admin_spawn <Class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle> - add a spawn 
admin_ssay <msg> - Message from nameless admin 
admin_stack - will block all who are above you 
admin_startvote - starts a vote 
admin_teamplay <teamplay> - set cvar mp_teamplay 
admin_teleport <target> <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports player into place 
admin_timeleft - show remaining time 
admin_timelimit <timelimit> - set time limit 
admin_tsay [color] <msg> - messages at the bottom right of the screen 
admin_unban <WONID or ip> - out ban 
admin_ungag <target> - out said player's gag 
admin_unllama <target> - llama out of the player 
admin_unpause - break out the server 
admin_userlist [<name>] - shows a list of players 
admin_userorigin <target> - where the player went back 
admin_vote_kick <target> - kick starts a vote on the question 
admin_vote_map <map> - starts a vote that map, 
admin_vsay <question> - presents a question of voting as 
say rockthevote - starts a vote 
vote <map> say - starts a vote on the map 
say glow <color | "off"> - makes you shine


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